AIPIA and Spanish Research institute ITENE have joined forces to run an event during interpack which will attempt to create a Road-Map of the most effective means to Fight Food Waste at all stages in the Supply Chain.
The event, for which a (free) registration is required, takes place on 9th May in the Congress Centre (CCD) South at the fairground, from 10.00am until 13.30. It will consist of initial ‘scene setting’ presentations and then delegates will split into groups to discuss and prioritize the various challenges and the technologies available to Fight Waste.
At the end the findings of each group will be presented and a list of priorities created.
Interpack also hosts the Save Food conference as well as the InnovationParc where several companies will show ideas related to the food waste issue.
To register to attend the AIPIA/ITENE event simply click on the link here and complete the form. the second link gives more information about the timetable and format of the Road-Map event. We look forward to seeing you there!
To register, please click on the following link: http://registro.itene.com/roadmap-interpack
For information regarding the timetable and format of the Road-Map, please click on the following link: http://www.itene.com/en/events/i/2551/58/active-and-intelligent-technologies-to-reduce-food-waste