Serac innovative technologies reduce non production time (cleaning, format change etc.) so that your machine is up and running quickly for new productions. At Interpack, visitors will be able to see 3 innovations designed to facilitate and speed-up change-overs while maintaining optimal productivity.
These upgrades allow food and non-food manufacturers extending their products range with additional scents, flavours or different formulas (liquid, foamy, viscous concentrated products, with pieces etc.).
New caps forms or capping applications (oriented, child secured, etc.) can also be handled with flexibility and increased accuracy.
Serac Life Cycle Support specialists will be available on Serac booth to discuss the most appropriate solutions in terms of reliability and work-rate, as well as respect of packaging and product properties.
When filling new products becomes child’s play
With the new version of Multiflow L3 nozzles, product change-over has never been so fast and simple. Multiflow L3 is capable to process a wide variety of products such as foaming drinks, products with pieces, fruits juices with pulp... or foamy floor cleaners and viscous dishwashing in the non-food markets. Indeed, the nozzle uses a range of filling cycles optimised for each family of products and offers a notable increase in productivity as it is no longer necessary to modify the nozzles when changing production. The operator simply selects the product & package from the machine interface to adjust the filling cycles. There is no calibration required, no settings to alter and downtime is considerably reduced. Compared to the previous version, the nozzle is now more hygienic and requires less maintenance.
Differentiate your product through the cap !
The latest eTCS brushless capper is a highly versatile solution capable of processing a wide variety of cap forms with all settings centralized on Serac Human Machine Interface FCS+. Driven by servo-motors, it offers excellent repeatability and homogeneity of the capping torques at all speeds. It is particularly well adapted to manufacturers in absolute need to preserve the quality and visual appearance of their caps, as in the cosmetic industry. All caps types and capping operations are handled such as screw-on, push-on, oriented and push-on etc... In order to guarantee quality and tracking, the capping results and capping torque values are saved in real time for each capping head and quality reports are available directly in the FCS+ man-machine interface.
Easily drive your product changes at your fingertips
Also on display will be the latest release of Serac 100% made Human Machine Interface FCS+. In this new release, particular attention has been paid to user-friendliness with clearer and more modern icons. Both Multiflow L3 new generation of filling nozzles and the e-TCS brushless capper are fully integrated in the latest FCS+ v6 release. A new Multiflow Automatic Settings algorithm has been developed for even greater user friendliness. Whereas in the past the operator was obliged to make numerous changes to parameters before beginning production, today nothing needs to be done! The new algorithm automatically adjusts the opening and closing parameters for each nozzle, the flow-rate, filling time, etc… and also allows the system to overcome product viscosity variations even while in production. Support for Windows 7 has been added to help IT managers to harmonize their assets, to facilitate the maintenance and to control the obsolescence. Finally, FCS+v6 is bundled with new generation PC to facilitate and speed up the supply of maintenance parts and extend the lifetime of the hardware.
Serac at Interpack 2014