

Theegarten-Pactec GmbH & Co. KG

Double Anniversary for Theegarten-Pactec: Cosmopolitan and Innovative

The year 2014 will see Theegarten-Pactec mark two milestones in its corporate history. It was 80 years ago that Justus and Franz Theegarten founded the company Rose-Theegarten, and 20 years ago that their successors took over Pactec in Dresden.

The company's beginnings date back to the 1920s. This was the decade in which Englishman William Rose first met the Theegarten family from Cologne. Rose was seeking a German distribution partner for the packaging ­machines made by his company, Rose Brothers. Not only did the families agree on matters of business, they also struck up a friendship. Justus Theegarten sent his son Franz to do a two-year apprenticeship with Rose Brothers in the British town of Gainsborough.

The father and son team founded their family-owned business Rose-Theegarten in 1934. They were licensed to manufacture Rose Brothers machines. The Rose-Theegarten corporation was a cosmopolitan and innovative firm. Alongside their British counterparts, the engineers in Cologne worked meticulously to refine the technology. The company was a success and the workforce grew to number almost 50 staff within a few short years.

The company remains a family enterprise to this day. It is now managed by Markus Rustler, the fourth generation of the family, together with Dr. Egbert Röhm. Supported by a workforce currently numbering 350, they are taking Theegarten-Pactec to the next level. They are aided in this endeavour by three sources of historical strength. The Theegarten-Pactec portfolio encompasses a particularly diverse range of machines for the primary packaging of confectionery. An excellent distribution network ensures the company's presence in all of the world's major markets. And the engineering side of the business has traditionally been accorded huge significance. "Demand is always shifting; we never quite know what aspects our customers are going to focus on next, neither the region nor the type of confectionery and its packaging," explains Markus Rustler. He goes on to say, "The variety of products we offer, our high level of innovation and our international market presence put us, as an independent family business, in a position to master this challenge."

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