

scanware electronic GmbH


Evaluation of a blister with a fragment beneath the product. The tablet remains above sealing level. The grey area on the top shows where the capsule would be in contact with the lidding foil.

Bickenbach (Germany), January 22, 2014: Production can be optimised with the three-dimensional inspection LYNX-SPECTRA 3D. Height information is vital in low-contrast environments as well as with fragile products, particularly bi-layered tablets. Stacked double fillings and products sealed to the lidding foil are in the past as well.

Producers and packagers of pharmaceuticals are often surprised at the mistakes an inspection system can detect thanks to continuous development at one of the prime manufacturers, scanware electronic GmbH. LYNX-SPECTRA 3D works in low-contrast tasks, using height rather than colour to distinguish between pocket and product.

It also prevents product damage which can be caused by fragments of products occuring underneath products. Rather than sealing the product and damaging the top, the pocket can be ejected. This came as quite a surprise to customers who expected no breakage on their lines that could cause this problem.

The same applies to a stacked double filling. Most standard systems will not eject pockets containing more than one product as long as one complete tablet is present. With LYNX-SPECTRA 3D, the pocket will be ejected.

With bi-layered products, a standard colour system will allow both colours to pass. However, the two parts often split horizontally along the middle. When these halves are inspected, a colour system will let them pass as they display the correct colour. Only a 3D-system will detect the height difference and eject the capped tablet.

Another use discovered for LYNX-SPECTRA 3D is with filled plastic blisters. When the product is placed, any irregularities in the height profile point out ill-formed pockets. Among other uses are inspection of braille, ampoules and dry powder, a recent application. The astonishing variety of tasks the 3D-inspection is equipped for calls for new solutions any second.

The three-dimensional inspection of products enables customers to see what they were not even looking for. A laser scans the surface of the product. A high-performance camera takes a picture of the reflection, resulting in a height profile of the entire pocket. When teaching in, an empty blister is first read to have a precise image of the cavity. After the product is placed, the scan is compared to the empty pocket, providing exquisite data. More than 30 systems are currently in operation.

For more information on laser security and the advantages of triangulation, visit

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